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Friday, July 30, 2010


 Use leftover spaghetti sauce to make a hearty lasagna, great for freezing to have back up dinners ready quick! Pair up with a big piece of Garlic Bread


1 egg
1 package oven ready lasagna noodles
2 small containers of ricotta cheese
2 tablespoons fresh parsley chopped
1 cup parmesan reggiano cheese, grated
1 1/2 cups mozzarella cheese, grated


Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

1.  In a small bowl mix together egg, ricotta cheese, parmesan reggiano cheese, and parsley leaving 1 teaspoon behind for the top of the lasagna.

2. Spread the bottom of your lasagna pan with meat sauce, then lay down the lasagna noodles (but leave space in between them because once the lasagna cooks it will cook the oven ready noodles.) Next using a slotted spoon scoop meat sauce onto noodles and spread evenly then put the next layer of noodles, then pour all of the ricotta egg mixture and spread evenly. then more noodles, meat sauce, and lastly the last layer of noodles then top with some of the meat sauce, then the mozzarella cheese and parsley.

Bake for 35-40 minutes at 350 degrees, F.
Let stand to cool for 15 minutes, it will be easier to cut and more safe to eat!

Ready to eat!

1 comment:

 Use leftover spaghetti sauce to make a hearty lasagna, great for freezing to have back up dinners ready quick! Pair up with a big piece of Garlic Bread


1 egg
1 package oven ready lasagna noodles
2 small containers of ricotta cheese
2 tablespoons fresh parsley chopped
1 cup parmesan reggiano cheese, grated
1 1/2 cups mozzarella cheese, grated


Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

1.  In a small bowl mix together egg, ricotta cheese, parmesan reggiano cheese, and parsley leaving 1 teaspoon behind for the top of the lasagna.

2. Spread the bottom of your lasagna pan with meat sauce, then lay down the lasagna noodles (but leave space in between them because once the lasagna cooks it will cook the oven ready noodles.) Next using a slotted spoon scoop meat sauce onto noodles and spread evenly then put the next layer of noodles, then pour all of the ricotta egg mixture and spread evenly. then more noodles, meat sauce, and lastly the last layer of noodles then top with some of the meat sauce, then the mozzarella cheese and parsley.

Bake for 35-40 minutes at 350 degrees, F.
Let stand to cool for 15 minutes, it will be easier to cut and more safe to eat!

Ready to eat!

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